Studying the flowering features of walnut better cultivars at the Center "Veseli Bokovenki"

The flowering intensity, the dichogamy type and other indicators of the best walnut cultivars were determined.

Pests and pathogens of woody ornamental plants (part 2) tutorial has been issued

The tutorial describes the symptoms and characteristics of damage to the main types of tree and shrub ornamental plants.

Congratulations on the anniversary of Los Svitlana Anatoliivna!

The staff of the Institute sincerely congratulates Svitlana Anatoliivna Los, head of the Department of tree improvement, genetics, and biotechnology of URIFFM, on her anniversary!

The state, sustainability and productivity of forest ecosystems under martial law and post-war reconstruction

The All-Ukrainian seminar highlighted the urgent problems and possible solutions to the issues of restoration of sustainable forest ecosystems in Ukraine.

Arboretum of State Enterprise «Novgorod-Siverskaya Forest Research Station»

Observation was carried out at the meteorological site and in the station's arboretum.

Business meetings the staff of Ukrainian Research Institute of Mountain Forestry named after P.S. Pasternak

By order of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Research Institute of Mountain Forestry is subordinated to URIFFM.

Objects of the natural reserve fund in the Dendrology-selection Experimental Forest Centre «Vesely Bokovenki»

Dendrological park of national significance "Veseli Bokovenki" and the botanical reserves "Bokovenkivska balka" and "Tsilina" are located on the territory of the Center.

Training seminar with specialists from the State Specialized Forest Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” “Forests of Ukraine”

The first online training on identifying and controlling the spread and development of forest pests and diseases took place.

International forum «Food systems of Ukraine: post-war recovery and ensuring sustainable development»

During the forum, the scientists of URIFFM presented a report «Ecological consequences of the destruction of forests in Ukraine and ways of their elimination in the post-war period».

May 18 is Science Day

The professional holiday of scientists of Ukraine is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. Sincere congratulations!

Seasonal forest regeneration and melioration works in the State Enterprise «Klavdiyevska Forest Research Station»

The foresters created forest crops on the area of 90 hectares and carried out additions on the area of ​​56 hectares. More than 860 thousand seedlings of the main forest-forming species of our own planting material were planted.

Spring work in the Krasnotrostyanets subbranch of URIFFM

Scientists of subbranch continue to conduct applied research to features of creation and cultivation of forest crops.