Foresters are preparing to identify an invasive pest — Emerald ash borer

The technical online training on the peculiarities of the development and further spread of the quarantine pest was conducted for employees of the forestry industry.

Danger in forests: emergency actions

The informational training on the safe behavior`s rules in the forests, where there is an increased mine-explosive danger, was held in the Dergachy Forestry of the SE "Kharkiv Research Station".

The academic council meeting on forest science and forestry issues took place

The participants of the meeting discussed the need for amendments and additions to the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment".

March 21 is International Day of Forests

Scientists all over the world call for paying as much attention as possible to the preservation of forests and emphasize their exceptional value for humanity existence.

URIFFM: forestry company 2024

This year, enterprises of URIFFM are planning to reproduce forests on an area of 141.7 hectares, including planting and sowing forests on an area of 130.0 hectares and natural regeneration on an area of 11.7 hectares.

Ukraine Natural Science Talent Empowerment

URIFFM scientists took part in a scientific group`s online meeting of regarding the implementation of a Swedish Institute`s project, which provides support to graduate students to conduct scientific research in Ukraine and Sweden.

For the attention of the subjects of the declaration

We inform you about the update of the online course "Declare!" on the Study.NAZK educational platform for reporting subjects defined by the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

Training for subjects of declaration

Training  "Basic requirements for filling out declarations" was held for employees of URIFFM,

Involvement of pupils of the "School Forestry" of the Chemuzhiv Lyceum in the Kharkiv region in research activities

Young foresters of the Chemuzhiv Lyceum, together with scientists of URIFMM, carried out work to determine the preservation, condition, the presence of damage and diseases of experimental plantation of Scots pine.

A competition to fill vacant research positions was held at URIFFM

The results of the competition for filling vacant positions of scientific workers have been approved.

Forest inventory: problems, prospects, international experience

Scientists of URIFFM took part in the international round table on the exchange of experience in solving problematic issues related to the inventory of forests and green spaces.

Collecting of Scots pine seeds for reforestation at the State Enterprise "Novgorod-Siversk Forest Research Station"

Cultivation of local planting material with improved hereditary properties contributes to the preservation of the gene pool of forest stands.