Inspection of the objects of the nature reserve fund of the "Kivertsiv Forestry" branch of SE "Forests of Ukraine"

Scientists surveyed plots of forest crops of the general zoological reserve of local importance "Bison" in the Muravyschen Forestry of branch.

Open lecture "Edaphic network as a classification scheme of forests and biotopes"

Scientists of the forest soil science laboratory of URIFFM held an open lecture for students of the State Biotechnology University on the classification of forests and biotopes.

Determination of radionuclide content in wood and wood products for forest industry users in Sumy and Chernihiv region

Based on the results of measurements of product samples, customers are provided with radiation safety protocols in accordance with state hygiene standards.

Congratulations on the anniversary of Davydenko Kateryna Valeriivna!

The staff of the Institute sincerely congratulates the senior researcher of the Department of Entomology, Phytopathology and Physiology of URIFFM - Kateryna Valeriivna Davydenko!

Methods of propagation of trees and bushes in the forest center "Veseli Bokovenki"

The forestry center is constantly expanding the quantitative and species composition of planting material and increases the area of ​​nurseries for plant propagation by seed and vegetative methods.

Spring works on the arboretum`s reconstruction of the SE "Kharkiv Research Station"

To replenish the compositions, common quince, chaenomelis 'Superba' and hybrid oak were planted on the territory of the arboretum.

Regarding the preparation of enterprises subordinate to URIFFM for the fire hazard period of 2024

Enterprises have carried out a set of measures to prevent massive fires in natural ecosystems.

Planting of variety test crops of Scots pine

Scientists of the SE «Klavdievskaya Research Station» planted pine seedlings in six variants in 3-4 replicates in families for further research and selective selection.

The collective monograph «Radiohydro-geochemistry of catchment areas of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone» was published

Oleksandr Orlov, a scientist of the Polissky branch of URIFFM, is the author of the monograph`s chapter «Patterns of migration of technogenic radionuclides in superaquatic landscapes of Ukrainian Polissya».

Сreation of objects of natural reserve fund in the Vinnytsia region

The scientists conducted a survey of unique forest stands in the Zhmeryn Forestry branch of the SE "Forests of Ukraine" and provided a list of objects on which it is expedient to create a botanical monument of nature.

The Webinar of the World Resources Institute "Forest loss in 2023: regional context and global trends" was held

During the event, the results of the study of changes in the tree cover of the planet according to the data of the "Global Forest Watch" platform were made public.

Landscaping of the territories of URIFFM and SE "Kharkiv Forestry and Scientific Research Station"

Landscaping is an integral organic component of modern urban development. Green spaces improve the microclimate of cities and create comfortable conditions for staying and living.