Overview of the global outlook for the lumber market

Geopolitical conflicts are one of the significant factors that led to changes in trends in global lumber markets and caused prices to begin to rise for business entities.

Balanced forest management is a key condition for strengthening the sustainability of Europe's forests

Scientists of URIFFM are taking part in the discussion of the pan-European strategy for the adaptation of forests to climate change and local conditions.

Information for subjects of declaration

National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption remind you about the obligation to submit an annual declaration for 2023.

Nature protection facility "Dokuchaev field protection forest strips"

"Dokuchaev Field Protection Forest Strips" is a natural monument of local importance, which has scientific and forestry-ecological value and needs restoration and reconstruction.

Scientific library of URIFFM

The library forms specialized library collections and conducts reference and bibliographic work for the informational support of scientific research works of scientists.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Persisting, hardworking, intelligent and talented women scientists are shattering the established concept that gender inequality is natural and inevitable.

Winter works on hazelnut plantations

Frost-resistant and drought-resistant hazelnut varieties are being tested at the plantations of the "Veseli Bokovenki" research center.

Plant micropropagation in Latvia

Scientists of URIFFM got acquainted with the experience of Latvian colleagues regarding the vegetative propagation of plants in vitro culture.

A meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine was held

At the meeting issues to the current state and problems of functioning and post-war restoration of the objects nature reserve fund of the steppe zone were considered.

An All-Ukrainian round table on problematic issues of environmental impact assessment was held

A round table on the topic: "Assessment of the impact on the environment – ecological control or "brake" in forestry" was held at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Fires of War

Contamination of forests by unexploded ordnance and as a result of mining increases the area of ​​territories inaccessible for preventive fire-fighting measures and fire-fighting operations.

Mushrooms in the forest ecosystem – an exhibition in the Nobel Prize Museum

The organizers of the exhibition "Fungi – mushrooms in Art and Science" popularize scientific ideas and explore how the kingdom of Fungi affects visual art, music, design and fashion.