The Webinar of the World Resources Institute "Forest loss in 2023: regional context and global trends" was held

During the event, the results of the study of changes in the tree cover of the planet according to the data of the "Global Forest Watch" platform were made public.

Landscaping of the territories of URIFFM and SE "Kharkiv Forestry and Scientific Research Station"

Landscaping is an integral organic component of modern urban development. Green spaces improve the microclimate of cities and create comfortable conditions for staying and living.

Propagation of poplar and willow cultivars by cuttings in the nursery of the SE "Kharkiv Research Station"

To replenish the collection, cuttings of 5 poplar and 5 willow cultivars were planted for rooting. Rooted plants will be planted at the clonal archive of Station.

Inspection of objects of natural reserve fund in Vinnytsia region

Scientists of URIFFM carried out a survey of the territory of the "Bugo-Desnyanskyi" and "Dyakivtsi" nature reserves of national importance, as well as the objects of the nature reserve fund of the "Zhmer…

The forest industry of Ukraine: way to a green economy

The application of the green economy`s principles facilitate to the modernization of forestry and the introduction of the latest technologies in the forest industry, the development of forest tourism and environmental education.

The general meeting of the labor team of URIFFM was held

During the meeting, the reports of the director of the Institute, the administration, and the head of the trade union organization were heard, and a constructive assessment of the work of URIFFM for 2023 was conducted.