Ecological forum "Forests of Ukraine: challenges, science and security"

During the forum, the possibilities of integrating conceptual environmental solutions during military operations in the field of forestry and the issue of increasing overall environmental responsibility were discussed.

URIFFM has obtained Certificate of State Support

According to the decision of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine URIFFM was included in the State Register of Scientific Institutions, which is supported by the government.

Inspection of the objects of the nature reserve fund of the "Kivertsiv Forestry" branch of SE "Forests of Ukraine"

Scientists surveyed plots of forest crops of the general zoological reserve of local importance "Bison" in the Muravyschen Forestry of branch.

Open lecture "Edaphic network as a classification scheme of forests and biotopes"

Scientists of the forest soil science laboratory of URIFFM held an open lecture for students of the State Biotechnology University on the classification of forests and biotopes.

Determination of radionuclide content in wood and wood products for forest industry users in Sumy and Chernihiv region

Based on the results of measurements of product samples, customers are provided with radiation safety protocols in accordance with state hygiene standards.

Congratulations on the anniversary of Davydenko Kateryna Valeriivna!

The staff of the Institute sincerely congratulates the senior researcher of the Department of Entomology, Phytopathology and Physiology of URIFFM - Kateryna Valeriivna Davydenko!