New scientific publications issued in URIFFM

Two scientific publications, developed by employees of URIFFM in cooperation with scientists of other institutions, are intended for forestry specialists, scientific and project organizations, teachers and students.

Involvement of young people in carrying out scientific and research work in the forest industry

The active educational activity of scientists contributes to the strengthening of environmental security of Ukraine.

The state of production of round timber products during the year of military actions in Ukraine

A decrease in demand from the woodworking industry has led to a reduction in the sales volume of commercial round timber products on the domestic wood market.

State of spruce plantations in the SE "Novgorod-Siversk Forest Research Station"

Scientists of station conducted the forest pathological inspection of spruce plantations of the forest fund of the Slobid Research Forestry.

World Science Day for Peace and Development

Public trust in science affects the work of scientists and contributes to the development and implementation of scientifically based solutions.

Survay of plantations of coniferous and deciduous species in the Kharkiv region

The scientists of URIFFM conducted a survey of objects of Eastern red cedar, various types of pine, walnut and hybrids of English oak.

Congratulations to Ihor Volodymyrovych Porohnyach on being awarded the academic title of senior researcher!

URIFFM team sincerely congratulates to our colleague, Ihor Porokhniach, on the awarding of the scientific title of Senior Scientist!

Ecological state of the environment and rational nature use in the context of sustainable development

The international scientific and practical conference on the preservation and solution of modern environmental problems was held in Kherson.

The autumn forestry campaign continues in Ukraine

Employees of the scientific research network of URIFFM carry out work within the framework of the program for the restoration of the forest fund.

Inspection of the permanent forest seed base in the Slavut Forestry, branch of the SE "Forests of Ukraine"

Scientists of the SE "Vinnytsia Forestry Research Station" conducted a survey of plus trees and permanent forest seed plots of Scots pine and English oak, family plantations of European larch and English oak.

The General Assembly of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was held

On October 27, the General Assembly of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Academy was held.

Experiments on carrying out reshaping cuttings at SE «Klavdiyevska Forest Research Station»

A network of experimental plots was created for the formation of mixed pine and broadleaf plantations using artificial reforestation.