Monograph «Natural seed regeneration of European oak in the southern part of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine»

Published: 2024-06-21

A collective monograph of URIFFM and the State Biotechnology University scientists was published.


Meshkova V.L., Didenko M.M., Raspopina S.P., Bila Y.M., Goroshko V.V. «Natural seed regeneration of European oak in the southern part of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine».

The analysis of experimental data about the spread of natural English oak (Quercus robur L.) stands of seed origin in the southern part of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is presented. The parameters affecting the success of growing the oak forests of natural seed origin are studied, especially frequency and intensity of fruiting, the influence of biotic factors of acorn damage on their germination and young growth condition, features of European oak natural regeneration under the forest canopy and in the plots with unclosed stands, as well as the measures to promote the development of natural regeneration. The research has practical meaning for the renewal and forming of oak stands in the southern part of the Left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methodical statements on assessment of the intensity of English oak fruiting, the spatial structure of localization and vitality of natural regeneration of this species, as well as recommendations on optimal deadlines of measures on the promotion of its preservation have been implemented in the State Forest Enterprises of the region.