Detection of places of illegal felling and illegally harvested wood

Scientists of SE “Vinnytsia Forestry Research Station” with police inspectors of the Khmelnytsky region identified locations of illegal tree felling and illegally harvested timber in protective forest strip.

Scientists of URIFFM confirmed their leadership positions at IUFRO congress

Chairmanship of a special session dedicated to Ukraine, presentations based on the results of scientific research, discussions and numerous meetings are only a part of the work carried out by scientists of URIFFM at the congress.

The 26th IUFRO world congress was held

Scientists of URIFFM took part in the congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, which was held in Stockholm (Sweden).

A competition to fill vacant research positions was held at URIFFM

The results of the competition for filling of scientific`s vacant positions have been approved.

A practical course on forestry for students was held

A course of practical classes for students of higher education of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" was held on the basis of the Polisky branch of URIFFM.

Honey locust: goodbye or see you?

Studies of the Honey locust forest stands on the territory of the Centre "Veseli Bokovenki" prove the prospects of the species for the protective stand creation of in Steppe.