URIFFM scientists conducted a comprehensive study of forest stands on the territory of the Natalinsky and Staroviriv forests of the Kharkiv region.
According to the results of document verification, Kateryna Davydenko is a participant in the competition for the position of leading researcher of the Department of entomology, phytopathology and physiology.
Scientists of URIFFM formed a geospatial database of forest monitoring plots and created a geoinformation project to determine the volume of carbon absorption by woody phytomass and assessment of carbon reserves in dead wood.
Collective of URIFFM sincerely congratulates the colleague, Svetlana Anatolyivna Los, with the state award of Ukraine – the Order of Princess Olga III Class!
Ukrainians are a nation of indomitable fighters for freedom and justice, and the State Flag of Ukraine is a symbol of the long, thorny path to gaining state sovereignty.
Forest "carbon" projects make it possible to obtain additional funds for the forestry, the condition for their implementation is existence of an appropriate monitoring, reporting and verification system.