URIFFM conducted the next one meeting of the scientific and methodical commission

Two scientific-methodical commissions were created to evaluate and discuss scientific reports on scientific research works, additions and changes to program and methodical notes.

Formation of crowns of grafted Scots pine trees

The formation of crowns has a significant impact on productivity and facilitates the harvesting of cones. Іt is advisable to begin it at the age of 5–7 years and reiterate it every 3–4 years.

Objects of the natural reserve fund of the Sumy region: current state and ways to preserve biodiversity"

Scientists of the State Enterprise "Novgorod-Siversk Forest Research Station" took part in the conference on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the National Nature Park "Desnyansko-Starogutskyi".

The meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Commission was held in URIFFM

The annual reports by topic were reviewed at the meetings of the scientific and methodological commission on forestry, reforestation, forest melioration, selection, genetics, biotechnology, forestry economics and radiology.

List of participants in the competition to fill vacant research positions, announced on January 16, 2024

According to the results of document verification, Pavlo Kravets is a participant in the competition for the position of leading researcher of the department of forest inventory, monitoring, certification and planning.

Study of the soil cover in the "Zhovtneve forestry" branch of the SE "Forests of Ukraine"

Dark gray podzolic soils are among the most fertile in Ukraine, on which highly productive hardwood stands grow.

Overview of silvicultural and scientific facilities of SE "Vinnytsia Forest Research Station"

Representatives of the station and the Central-Western Interregional Department of Forestry and Hunting analyzed the possibilities of creating sustainable, highly productive artificial plantings in Vinnytsia region.

Study of the development of English oak advance growth under the canopy of pine stands in the Polissia

Available active forest formation process in planted mature pine stands approximates modern pine forests to the primary forest type.

Overview of the global outlook for the lumber market

Geopolitical conflicts are one of the significant factors that led to changes in trends in global lumber markets and caused prices to begin to rise for business entities.

Balanced forest management is a key condition for strengthening the sustainability of Europe's forests

Scientists of URIFFM are taking part in the discussion of the pan-European strategy for the adaptation of forests to climate change and local conditions.

Information for subjects of declaration

National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption remind you about the obligation to submit an annual declaration for 2023.

Nature protection facility "Dokuchaev field protection forest strips"

"Dokuchaev Field Protection Forest Strips" is a natural monument of local importance, which has scientific and forestry-ecological value and needs restoration and reconstruction.