January 22 - Day of the Unification of Ukraine

Congratulations on the Day of the Unification of Ukraine!





Congratulations on the 65th anniversary of Yevhen Mykolayovych Shakhner!

The staff of the Ukrainian Order "SIGN of Honor" of the Research Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry named after GM Vysotsky sincerely congratulates the Deputy Director of URIFFM Yevhen Mykolayovych Shakhner on his b…

Анонсовано спеціальний випуск журналу Forests

On January 12, 2021, a special issue of the Swiss journal Forests was announced, which has integrated management and innovative practices for invasive tree pathogens. An old researcher at the Forest Protection Laboratory, Cand. s…

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The International Year of Plant Health, declared by the United Nations, is coming to an end. Man cares about the health of plants primarily because he receives food, raw materials, building materials from them and is interested i…

Forest breeder Roman Mykhailovych Jacyk passed away

We are deeply saddened to announce that on January 4, 2021, at the age of 74, the heart of the famous forest breeder, a leading researcher of the laboratory of reforestation and selection of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Mo…











В УкрНДІЛГА проведено конкурс на заміщення вакантних посад наукових працівників

Subject to the procedure for holding a competition for the replacement of vacant posad of naukovykh pratsivnikov 11 breast 2020 p. in UkrNDILGA a competition was held for the replacement of vacant posad naukovykh pratsivnikiv.