The staff of the Polissky branch of URIFFM met with the Head of the Institute

On July 6, 2022, Viktor Tkach, the Head of URIFFM, and  the staff of the Polissky branch of UURIFFM held a working meeting.

Scientists of URIFFM took part in the international conference on invasive species monitoring

FAO,  REUFIS and the University of Sopron (Hungary) organized an international conference on monitoring of native and invasive xylophages (Hungary, Sopron, 27.06.2022 - 01.07.2022).

URIFFM Head Viktor Tkach visited the Krasnotrostyanetske branch of the Institute

On June 30, 2022, the Head of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration Viktor Tkach visited the Krasnotrostyanets branch of URIFFM, located in Trostyanets, Sumy Region.



URIFFM team help the military to bring victory

Our institute's team have created own fund to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense battalions of Kharkiv region, which defend our region and our native country from the russian aggressors.

The forest is our refuge, breadwinner and doctor

From the very beginning to the present day, humans have been directly associated with the forest as a place to live and protect, to obtain food, and to restore physical and mental health.

Congratulations to Iryna Koval on being awarded the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences!

Congratulations to Iryna Koval with significant scientific achievements!