Serhiy Musiyenko
Serhiy Musiyenko

Ph.D., Senior Researcher First Deputy Director, Head of the Department

Education: Ukrainian State Agrarian University (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine), Faculty of Forestry, 1993

Ph.D. thesis: "State and prospects of introduction of tree species into forest stands in teh southern part of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine".

Author and co-author of 94 publications, including 17 papers in the field periodicals in Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection, 27 papers in the field periodicals included into the List of Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine and 22 educational and methodological works.

Areas of expertise: dynamics of growth, forming man-made and natural recreational forests; impact of forestry measures upon growth of stands.

тел. (057) 707-80-51
e-mail musienko@uriffm.org.ua


Victor Tkach
Victor Tkach

Dr. Hab. Prof. професор, член-кореспондент НАН України, член-кореспондент НАAН України, Senior Staff Scientist

Education: Lviv Forestry Institute (National Forestry University), Faculty of Forestry, 1976

Ph.D. thesis: "Interaction of species in oak-and-beech young stands in Zakarpattia foot hill and optimisation of their growth regime"

Doctorate thesis: "Forests in flooded areas of Left-Bank Ukraine and scientific grounds for forestry management there"

Author and co-author of 250 publications, including 13 monographs and 2 patents

Areas of expertise: structural and functional organisation of forest biocoenosis of different species composition under both climate change and increasing anthropogenic impact; effect of forestry measures aimed at natural renewal of cost-efficient forest species; influence of different types and methods of cleaning cutting, renewal felling, and final felling upon stands' forest and mensuration indicators, their commercial-assortment structure as well as upon renewal processes among forest species.

тел. (057) 704-10-02
e-mail tkach@uriffm.org.ua


Oleksii Kobets
Oleksii Kobets

Ph.D., Senior Researcher Scientific secretary

Education: V. V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Forestry, 2008

Ph.D. thesis: "Features of state, growth and formation of oak stands of the Velikoanadolsky forest area"

Author and co-author of over 110 publications, in particular 11 in periodicals included in Scopus and Web of Science scientometric databases. One of the compilers of 7 normative documents on forestry.

Areas of expertise: growth and creation of artificial oak stands in northern Steppe of Ukraine; influence of different types and methods of felling upon stands' forest, mensuration indicators and upon renewal processes among forest species.


тел. (057) 707-80-42
e-mail alexei_kobec@ukr.net


Oksana Tarnopilska
Oksana Tarnopilska

Ph.D., старший науковий співробітник, Senior Research Scientist

Education: M. Gorky Kharkiv State University (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University), Faculty of Biology, 1993

Ph.D. thesis: "Peculiarities of growth and formation of man-made pine stands in Left-Bank Steppe and Forest-Steppe"

Author and co-author of 94 publications, including 23 papers in the field periodicals

Areas of expertise: dynamics of growth, formation of man-made and natural pine phytocoenosis, influence of forestry measures upon growth and state of forest stands

тел. (057) 707-80-55
e-mail tarnopilskaya@gmail.com


Volodymyr Lukyanets
Volodymyr Lukyanets

Senior Researcher

Education: Kharkiv Agrarian Institute (V. V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University), Faculty of Plant Protection, 1985

Author and co-author of 109 publications, including 12 papers in the field periodicals in Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection, 59 papers in the field peridicals included into the List of Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine, 4 regulatory documents (recommendations) on forest management in forests of Ukraine, and 34 of them are materials of papers of international and All-Ukrainian conferences.

Areas of expertise: natural renewal of oak.

тел. (057) 707-80-18
e-mail lukyanetc@uriffm.org.ua


Vira Bondarenko (Babenko)
Vira Bondarenko (Babenko)

Junior researcher

Education: V. V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Forestry, 2016

Author of 37 publications, including 9 papers in the field periodicals from Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection, 12 papers in the periodicals included into the List of scientific field periodicals of Ukraine

Areas of expertise: renewal of pine stands along the middle reaches of the Siversky Donets

тел. (057) 707-80-51
e-mail bond.vera16012017@gmail.com