State of Forest Genetic Resources in Ukraine. S.A.Los, L.I.Tereshchenko, Yu.І.Gayda, P.М.Ustimenko et al. Kharkiv : PLANETA-PRINT, 2014. – 138 p.
ISBN 978-617-7229-06-2
The materials prepared by a group of authors in 2011 at the request of FAO, for purposes of determining the state of the world's genetic resources were represented. The role of forest genetic resources, their status and approaches to conservation were covered. The history and the findings on the forest woody plant genetic diversity have briefly revieved. The current data on the number, areas of existing objects of forest gene resources conservation, seed harvesting, growing plant material, existing breeding programs were represanted.
The book will be useful for researchers, forestry and conservation experts, teaching staff and students of forestry and natural specialities.