Вийшов підручник «Лісова ентомологія: Назви основних шкідників лісових насаджень»

Published: 2023-06-04

Forest entomology: names of the main pests of forest stands /S.V. Stankevich, I.P. Lezhenina, V.L. Meshkova, I.V. Zabrodina, G.V. Baydik, L.Ya. Sirous, L.V. Hermann.  2nd ed., rev. and added. - Zhytomyr: Vidavnitstvo "Ruta", 2023. - 136 p. ISBN 978-617-581-586.

The list of forest stand pests in Ukrainian, Latin, English, and German is given. The characteristics of the main orders of insects, as well as drawings of the general structure and appearance of harmful insects are given.

Designed for students of agricultural universities in the specialties 205 "Forestry", 206 "Landscape gardening" and 202 "Protection and quarantine of plants."